If you believe you are right but still people cri | English Quotes

"If you believe you are right but still people criticize you, hurt you, shout at you, don't bother. Just remember,In every game only audience makes noise not players. Be a player. Believe in yourself ©Hitesh Pathak"

 If you believe you are right
 but still people criticize you, 
hurt you, shout at you, 
don't bother. 
Just remember,In every game

only audience makes noise
not players.

Be a player.
Believe in yourself

©Hitesh Pathak

If you believe you are right but still people criticize you, hurt you, shout at you, don't bother. Just remember,In every game only audience makes noise not players. Be a player. Believe in yourself ©Hitesh Pathak

If you believe you are right but still peoplecriticize you, hurt you, shout at you, don't

bother. Just remember,In every game only audience makes noise

not players. Be a player.

Believe in yourself

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