Fading Light" Dim light, love near, silent tears | English Poetry

""Fading Light" Dim light, love near, silent tears fall. Half a year lost, a love's broken wall. Reaching hand, met with empty space. Her coldness, a wound on his heart's embrace. Yearning touch, a withdrawn embrace. Love's vow fades, lost in night's chase. Flickering flame, a heart's silent plea. Love once soared, now struggles to be. Desolate nights, lost in despair's hold. Love's fire wanes, a story untold. Duty binds, to hearts yet to break. Laughter's echo, for a love's sweet sake. Staying or leaving, a love's slow demise. Can hope's embers still ignite love's skies? ©Santosh Jangam "

"Fading Light" Dim light, love near, silent tears fall. Half a year lost, a love's broken wall. Reaching hand, met with empty space. Her coldness, a wound on his heart's embrace. Yearning touch, a withdrawn embrace. Love's vow fades, lost in night's chase. Flickering flame, a heart's silent plea. Love once soared, now struggles to be. Desolate nights, lost in despair's hold. Love's fire wanes, a story untold. Duty binds, to hearts yet to break. Laughter's echo, for a love's sweet sake. Staying or leaving, a love's slow demise. Can hope's embers still ignite love's skies? ©Santosh Jangam

#poem The poem "Fading Light" highlights the fading of love over time and the potential for rekindling if efforts are made to nurture the remaining affection.

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