For all those times When patience seemed bitter Fo | English Poetry Vi

"For all those times When patience seemed bitter For all those times When you wished for things to get better A ray of hope to shine You eagerly awaited, Your time! Often it seemed really hard Yet, the brave smile left nothing scarred Indeed! After every hardship There comes ease It's your time now Yes, time to say Cheese! The beautiful smile Now that you wear May Almighty shield it With His divine care Being quite helpless I remained numb All that I could do was Patiently wait for good to come I fall short of words To express my excitement Happiness has no bounds Watching you live all that you dreamt May Almighty bless you immensely With all that you deserve May He bestow you With joy, happiness and more May Almighty fulfill your every little wish My heartfelt wishes for you, Jyoti and Sathish! ©Nurahan "

For all those times When patience seemed bitter For all those times When you wished for things to get better A ray of hope to shine You eagerly awaited, Your time! Often it seemed really hard Yet, the brave smile left nothing scarred Indeed! After every hardship There comes ease It's your time now Yes, time to say Cheese! The beautiful smile Now that you wear May Almighty shield it With His divine care Being quite helpless I remained numb All that I could do was Patiently wait for good to come I fall short of words To express my excitement Happiness has no bounds Watching you live all that you dreamt May Almighty bless you immensely With all that you deserve May He bestow you With joy, happiness and more May Almighty fulfill your every little wish My heartfelt wishes for you, Jyoti and Sathish! ©Nurahan

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