Today the humanity is divided at various levels of

"Today the humanity is divided at various levels of society Indian, Pakistani, American etc then =) Hindu, muslim sikkh, christain then =) brahmin, rajpoots, shudras, baniyas etc =) gujarati, bengali, haryanvi etc =) rich, middleclass, poor =) humanity is always at last 😔"

 Today the humanity is divided at various levels of society 
Indian, Pakistani, American etc then
 =) Hindu, muslim sikkh, christain then 
 =) brahmin, rajpoots, shudras, baniyas etc
=) gujarati, bengali, haryanvi etc
=) rich, middleclass, poor
=) humanity is always at last 😔

Today the humanity is divided at various levels of society Indian, Pakistani, American etc then =) Hindu, muslim sikkh, christain then =) brahmin, rajpoots, shudras, baniyas etc =) gujarati, bengali, haryanvi etc =) rich, middleclass, poor =) humanity is always at last 😔

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