Blue Moon Humble gratitude mam Nadine Jessel, Stev | English Poetry Vi

"Blue Moon Humble gratitude mam Nadine Jessel, Steven Dawson, Heart and Soul Poetry for the honour Heart and Soul Poetry Group is proud to honour this poet with our H&S Crown award for "KING OF LIKES" (based on member's abundant likes). ***Smruti Ranjan Mohanty‎ *** A LOOK AT LIFE-29 BY-SMRUTI RANJAN MOHANTY If you want to dive deep into life Its intrinsic beauty and intricacies Look at me How solitary I am In the midst of a crowd I am all lone Fighting a lone battle In a no man's land When I was born There was no fanfare When I will die It will be another uneventful event Will never go down In the annals of history As something memorable And glorious Every moment I die Every moment I reincarnate To live life In the most ignoble way Under the burden of Relationships and expectations I feel suffocated A sense of deep melancholy And deep-seated antipathy Hunts me All of a sudden I find the spectrum of rainbow The next door I forget everything And get deeply engrossed In what is happening around This is the way We live life Tend to forget and forgive Live it minute by minute Make thousands of compromises To make life more bearable In this apparently unbearable world Is there anyone Who understands me Is there anyone Who accepts me As I am Is there anyone Who feels my feelings Is there anyone Who loves me without a condition Expecting anything in reciprocation Or I am just Deceiving myself all through copyright@smrutiranjan ©Smruti Ranjan Mohanty "

Blue Moon Humble gratitude mam Nadine Jessel, Steven Dawson, Heart and Soul Poetry for the honour Heart and Soul Poetry Group is proud to honour this poet with our H&S Crown award for "KING OF LIKES" (based on member's abundant likes). ***Smruti Ranjan Mohanty‎ *** A LOOK AT LIFE-29 BY-SMRUTI RANJAN MOHANTY If you want to dive deep into life Its intrinsic beauty and intricacies Look at me How solitary I am In the midst of a crowd I am all lone Fighting a lone battle In a no man's land When I was born There was no fanfare When I will die It will be another uneventful event Will never go down In the annals of history As something memorable And glorious Every moment I die Every moment I reincarnate To live life In the most ignoble way Under the burden of Relationships and expectations I feel suffocated A sense of deep melancholy And deep-seated antipathy Hunts me All of a sudden I find the spectrum of rainbow The next door I forget everything And get deeply engrossed In what is happening around This is the way We live life Tend to forget and forgive Live it minute by minute Make thousands of compromises To make life more bearable In this apparently unbearable world Is there anyone Who understands me Is there anyone Who accepts me As I am Is there anyone Who feels my feelings Is there anyone Who loves me without a condition Expecting anything in reciprocation Or I am just Deceiving myself all through copyright@smrutiranjan ©Smruti Ranjan Mohanty

#bluemoon Humble gratitude mam Nadine Jessel, Steven Dawson, Heart and Soul Poetry for the honour

Heart and Soul Poetry Group is proud to honour this poet with our H&S Crown award for "KING OF LIKES" (based on member's abundant likes).

***Smruti Ranjan Mohanty‎ ***


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