On weekends, oh pizza, you're a welcome treat, A r | English Poetry Vi

"On weekends, oh pizza, you're a welcome treat, A reward for a week of work complete, No need to cook, no need to fuss, Just pick up the phone and order with trust. Your aroma fills the air with delight, As I eagerly await your arrival tonight, A cheesy, saucy, crispy delight, My taste buds ready for a savory fight. With friends and family gathered 'round, We share slices, laughter, and stories abound, A perfect meal for a lazy weekend, With no dishes to clean, our time we can spend. Oh pizza, you're more than just a dish, You're a symbol of relaxation, fun, and wish, A weekend staple that brings us together, To enjoy good food and good company forever. So let's savor each bite of this weekend delight, And cherish the moments that make life bright, For in pizza and weekends, we find joy, A simple pleasure that we can't destroy. ©twisha ray "

On weekends, oh pizza, you're a welcome treat, A reward for a week of work complete, No need to cook, no need to fuss, Just pick up the phone and order with trust. Your aroma fills the air with delight, As I eagerly await your arrival tonight, A cheesy, saucy, crispy delight, My taste buds ready for a savory fight. With friends and family gathered 'round, We share slices, laughter, and stories abound, A perfect meal for a lazy weekend, With no dishes to clean, our time we can spend. Oh pizza, you're more than just a dish, You're a symbol of relaxation, fun, and wish, A weekend staple that brings us together, To enjoy good food and good company forever. So let's savor each bite of this weekend delight, And cherish the moments that make life bright, For in pizza and weekends, we find joy, A simple pleasure that we can't destroy. ©twisha ray

Weekends time to enjoy.

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