White Hell... it's where you go when you're lost. | English Life Video

"White Hell... it's where you go when you're lost. When the wind comes. When the dust rises. When the carcass is exposed. Bones, just bones. Maybe some rotting organs too. But bones. Hell is when you can't say anything anymore. You try to force your mind to string the words. Your vocal cords try a lazy assist. ©indefinite_mirage "

White Hell... it's where you go when you're lost. When the wind comes. When the dust rises. When the carcass is exposed. Bones, just bones. Maybe some rotting organs too. But bones. Hell is when you can't say anything anymore. You try to force your mind to string the words. Your vocal cords try a lazy assist. ©indefinite_mirage

lazy assist
#good_night_images @Bhagyashree Jena @Dristi Dash UnHeardकवि

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