Sanadanam. Sanadanam is not an ordinary word, Th | English Video

"Sanadanam. Sanadanam is not an ordinary word, There is no word for achievement speech, No word for opportunism, A word created by the creator of all life, The word that protects the universe, The sacred word common to all living beings, A word that respects the feelings of all living beings, A word full of emotions, A word without beginning and end, The meaning of this word is Param, In other words, we can say Sanadhana as Parabiramma, Destroying such sanadhana is tantamount to trying to destroy the creator of all beings. Purana says that Iranian tried and perished, same is the fate of Pasumasuran. Sanadanam is the general way that God has given to all living beings to live in the world and it is good if it is properly understood. It is surely understood that the ups and downs are caused by fellow human beings. There is no doubt that the sanadana created by the Lord protects us The Lord who protected Pragalathan from Iraniya on that day will definitely protect us today and establish dharma in the country. P.Muthukumaran INSTA ID: muthukumaranp1 ©MUTHUKUMARAN P "

Sanadanam. Sanadanam is not an ordinary word, There is no word for achievement speech, No word for opportunism, A word created by the creator of all life, The word that protects the universe, The sacred word common to all living beings, A word that respects the feelings of all living beings, A word full of emotions, A word without beginning and end, The meaning of this word is Param, In other words, we can say Sanadhana as Parabiramma, Destroying such sanadhana is tantamount to trying to destroy the creator of all beings. Purana says that Iranian tried and perished, same is the fate of Pasumasuran. Sanadanam is the general way that God has given to all living beings to live in the world and it is good if it is properly understood. It is surely understood that the ups and downs are caused by fellow human beings. There is no doubt that the sanadana created by the Lord protects us The Lord who protected Pragalathan from Iraniya on that day will definitely protect us today and establish dharma in the country. P.Muthukumaran INSTA ID: muthukumaranp1 ©MUTHUKUMARAN P

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