Largesse and generosity represent the condescensio | English Motivatio

"Largesse and generosity represent the condescension of man's material existence, in which greed and longings for subjects and objects never thrive in their sustainable state; they only flourish in human development without being pressurized, impatient, allured, or impassioned. Capability does not develop only self-fulfillment; it is the agency with human values in which the discreetness of charity knows only obligation and devoirs like welfare to the needy while smoothly calling its duties and arrearages. Only the honest and onusful human being full of suavity and civility can conduct the process of benefication or donation; it is the complement of the good wishes and benedictions given by God, in which there is no doubt underived from impurities and worldly cravings and temptations. ©Viraaj Sisodiya"

 Largesse and generosity represent the condescension of man's material existence, in which greed and longings for subjects and objects never thrive in their sustainable state; they only flourish in human development without being pressurized, impatient, allured, or impassioned.

Capability does not develop only self-fulfillment; it is the agency with human values in which the discreetness of charity knows only obligation and devoirs like welfare to the needy while smoothly calling its duties and arrearages.

Only the honest and onusful human being full of suavity and civility can conduct the process of benefication or donation; it is the complement of the good wishes and benedictions given by God, in which there is no doubt underived from impurities and worldly cravings and temptations.

©Viraaj Sisodiya

Largesse and generosity represent the condescension of man's material existence, in which greed and longings for subjects and objects never thrive in their sustainable state; they only flourish in human development without being pressurized, impatient, allured, or impassioned. Capability does not develop only self-fulfillment; it is the agency with human values in which the discreetness of charity knows only obligation and devoirs like welfare to the needy while smoothly calling its duties and arrearages. Only the honest and onusful human being full of suavity and civility can conduct the process of benefication or donation; it is the complement of the good wishes and benedictions given by God, in which there is no doubt underived from impurities and worldly cravings and temptations. ©Viraaj Sisodiya

#Largesse #Capability #humanvalues #cravings #duties #yourquote #Viraaj

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