Breaking Free" Lost in a maze, thoughts run wild | English Poetry

""Breaking Free" Lost in a maze, thoughts run wild, Confusion reigns, no path to find. Push on or wait, a puzzling way, When will the future reveal its say? A distant shore, a promised land, Will I ever reach that golden sand? Emotions rage, a storm within, Should I face the fear, or let it win? Buried secrets, stories untold, A time to break free, let my spirit unfold. Open my heart, release the tide, Let my true self emerge and confide. ©Santosh Jangam "

"Breaking Free" Lost in a maze, thoughts run wild, Confusion reigns, no path to find. Push on or wait, a puzzling way, When will the future reveal its say? A distant shore, a promised land, Will I ever reach that golden sand? Emotions rage, a storm within, Should I face the fear, or let it win? Buried secrets, stories untold, A time to break free, let my spirit unfold. Open my heart, release the tide, Let my true self emerge and confide. ©Santosh Jangam

#poem The moral of "Breaking Free" is: Embrace your confusion, face your emotional storms, and break free from what holds you back to discover and express your true self. Take charge and navigate your own path toward a brighter future.

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