With each step and graceful turn, My body becomes | English Motivation

"With each step and graceful turn, My body becomes a canvas to learn, To tell stories of love, joy, and pain, And dance away all my worries and strain. The sound of the ghungroos fills the air, As I swirl and twirl without a care, The rhythm of the tabla sets my pace, And I lose myself in the dance's embrace. Kathak, my beloved art form, Inspires me to express, feel, and transform, To break free from the chains of society, And celebrate my individuality. So, on this International Dance Day, I dedicate myself to dance and say, Let us all find our own rhythm and beat, And dance with joy and love in our heart's seat. ©twisha ray "

With each step and graceful turn, My body becomes a canvas to learn, To tell stories of love, joy, and pain, And dance away all my worries and strain. The sound of the ghungroos fills the air, As I swirl and twirl without a care, The rhythm of the tabla sets my pace, And I lose myself in the dance's embrace. Kathak, my beloved art form, Inspires me to express, feel, and transform, To break free from the chains of society, And celebrate my individuality. So, on this International Dance Day, I dedicate myself to dance and say, Let us all find our own rhythm and beat, And dance with joy and love in our heart's seat. ©twisha ray

storyteller oh Kathak remember me

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