White A SHORT NOTE Scrap of memories ('Scrap' here | English Motivatio

"White A SHORT NOTE Scrap of memories ('Scrap' here refers to paper, 'memories' refers to remembering incidents by that paper) Time passes like the flip of an page, with only words remaining as memories. For every individual, there lies an untold story, which can be really absurd but filled with memories. Even she has an absurd story, her story that revolts around an single sheet of paper. She was now in college, pursuing visual arts, with only her love for arts. Her view on college life was obstructed with many skilled people in the very same field. The view she saw was always a monochrome one, with urge to follow the footsteps taken by clever fox. She didn't know why she was studying about sculptures and architectures, without having an idea towards her future goals. Her love for arts? She realised that only 'love' could not always help in accomplishing things. But rather put in a cage, together with clever and cunning fox, she started to feel more envious of the wild around her. Same routine she followed, with no distinct goals or future dreams to entertain. She wished to soar high, but lacked motivation and inspiration. Being a rabbit, she even had fear of interacting with other superior animals. One day, she saw her lady holding a doodled paper in her hand. Initially nothing bothered her about the paper. But when she took a closer look, she remembered something so trivial. Those were her math workout papers, which she had used during her high school. Just a piece of paper, with some workout sums it was. Those maths workout made her to remember, how she worked so hard towards achieving considerable marks in that particular subject. The endless effort she had taken to try out a particular exercise several times. What a painful memory it was! She worked, spent time on such sums just to achieve some good marks. Working out for a longer time made her worn out, to get fed up with that subject, and finally hating it. But, she also remembered how she always insisted on giving her best in everything. This was one thing she forgot to add in her college life. Although the environment she faces is a complete dark world, she can still try her 'best' to get out of that world slowly. Once again, she tried something new, out of her league giving her best! Likewise, all things may come and fall at the same point, with full of struggles to endure, the only 3 words you can think at this time is, "Give your best!" That's all you need, whether it is stormy wind or fluent wind, 'The best' you give will make you feel a little proud of yourself, will make you remember the effort you put to reach a place you never been before, and it doesn't matter even if it ends being a complete defeat. ©Tiny glowing star! "

White A SHORT NOTE Scrap of memories ('Scrap' here refers to paper, 'memories' refers to remembering incidents by that paper) Time passes like the flip of an page, with only words remaining as memories. For every individual, there lies an untold story, which can be really absurd but filled with memories. Even she has an absurd story, her story that revolts around an single sheet of paper. She was now in college, pursuing visual arts, with only her love for arts. Her view on college life was obstructed with many skilled people in the very same field. The view she saw was always a monochrome one, with urge to follow the footsteps taken by clever fox. She didn't know why she was studying about sculptures and architectures, without having an idea towards her future goals. Her love for arts? She realised that only 'love' could not always help in accomplishing things. But rather put in a cage, together with clever and cunning fox, she started to feel more envious of the wild around her. Same routine she followed, with no distinct goals or future dreams to entertain. She wished to soar high, but lacked motivation and inspiration. Being a rabbit, she even had fear of interacting with other superior animals. One day, she saw her lady holding a doodled paper in her hand. Initially nothing bothered her about the paper. But when she took a closer look, she remembered something so trivial. Those were her math workout papers, which she had used during her high school. Just a piece of paper, with some workout sums it was. Those maths workout made her to remember, how she worked so hard towards achieving considerable marks in that particular subject. The endless effort she had taken to try out a particular exercise several times. What a painful memory it was! She worked, spent time on such sums just to achieve some good marks. Working out for a longer time made her worn out, to get fed up with that subject, and finally hating it. But, she also remembered how she always insisted on giving her best in everything. This was one thing she forgot to add in her college life. Although the environment she faces is a complete dark world, she can still try her 'best' to get out of that world slowly. Once again, she tried something new, out of her league giving her best! Likewise, all things may come and fall at the same point, with full of struggles to endure, the only 3 words you can think at this time is, "Give your best!" That's all you need, whether it is stormy wind or fluent wind, 'The best' you give will make you feel a little proud of yourself, will make you remember the effort you put to reach a place you never been before, and it doesn't matter even if it ends being a complete defeat. ©Tiny glowing star!

#Emotional #Memories #Life_experience #Motivation #Inspiration
Scrap of Memories..

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