Eternal Teacher" In the classroom, laughter ring | English Poetry

""Eternal Teacher" In the classroom, laughter rings, She guides with wisdom's wings. Patience vast, love's gentle flow, Her legacy, forever aglow. In her footsteps, we now tread, Honoring the words she said. Her love, a bond that never breaks, In our hearts, her light awakes. With reverence, we carry on, Her teachings, a lifelong song. In her memory, we find our way, Forever grateful, come what may. ©Santosh Jangam "

"Eternal Teacher" In the classroom, laughter rings, She guides with wisdom's wings. Patience vast, love's gentle flow, Her legacy, forever aglow. In her footsteps, we now tread, Honoring the words she said. Her love, a bond that never breaks, In our hearts, her light awakes. With reverence, we carry on, Her teachings, a lifelong song. In her memory, we find our way, Forever grateful, come what may. ©Santosh Jangam

#poem "Eternal Teacher" is the lasting impact of dedicated educators, emphasizing the importance of their patience, love, and wisdom in guiding and shaping young minds. It highlights the ongoing influence of their teachings and the gratitude we owe for their profound impact on our lives.

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