White Richard Lower, a scientist, performed a bloo | English Quotes Vi

"White Richard Lower, a scientist, performed a blood transfusion between two dogs without any ill effects in 1940. That was the breakthrough moment in the healthcare sector that allowed the development of blood transfusion techniques and made blood donation and transfusion a regular procedure. In 2005, the World Health Assembly announced to celebrate World Blood Donor Day on June 24 every year and since then the day has been celebrated every year. ©Monisha Monisha "

White Richard Lower, a scientist, performed a blood transfusion between two dogs without any ill effects in 1940. That was the breakthrough moment in the healthcare sector that allowed the development of blood transfusion techniques and made blood donation and transfusion a regular procedure. In 2005, the World Health Assembly announced to celebrate World Blood Donor Day on June 24 every year and since then the day has been celebrated every year. ©Monisha Monisha

#Blood #blooddonation #bloodday

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