White "Step Out and Experience the World" Scroll | English P

"White "Step Out and Experience the World" Scroll binds young minds in its hold, Blind to time's whisper, growing old. Seek real moments, sights, and sounds, Let true experience abound. Connect in person, heart to heart, Social walls can tear us apart. Put down the phone, let nature speak, Find joy in whispers, soft and meek. The world's a wonder, vast and deep, Beyond the screen, adventures . Capture beauty, let it stay, Real life's richness lights the way. Digital joys quickly fade, True happiness, here it's made. ©Santosh Jangam "

White "Step Out and Experience the World" Scroll binds young minds in its hold, Blind to time's whisper, growing old. Seek real moments, sights, and sounds, Let true experience abound. Connect in person, heart to heart, Social walls can tear us apart. Put down the phone, let nature speak, Find joy in whispers, soft and meek. The world's a wonder, vast and deep, Beyond the screen, adventures . Capture beauty, let it stay, Real life's richness lights the way. Digital joys quickly fade, True happiness, here it's made. ©Santosh Jangam

#poem The poem's central message is to break free from the allure of social media and embrace the richness of the real world. It advocates for connecting with nature, fostering genuine relationships, and experiencing life to the fullest.

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