White When we met, Our hearts met. Our destinies u | English Love Vide

"White When we met, Our hearts met. Our destinies united, Each other we respected. The hearts were filled With an emotional thrill, Never to separate ever, Lived happily forever. ©Sunita Pathania "

White When we met, Our hearts met. Our destinies united, Each other we respected. The hearts were filled With an emotional thrill, Never to separate ever, Lived happily forever. ©Sunita Pathania

#Romantic #hearts #Emotions
#Nojoto #nojotoapp
@poonam atrey Sita Prasad @vineetapanchal @Anshu writer @Sethi Ji @Mili Saha @hardik Mahajan @Bhavana kmishra @Ranjit Kumar @Ritu Tyagi R K Mishra " सूर्य " @Kirti Pandey @Poonam Suyal

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