"White A LOOK AT LIFE-115 BY-SMRUTI RANJAN MOHANTY Under self-hypnosis One moves away from reality Silently runs in a crowded lane Carrying a heavy load on his shoulder Without being aware of it One sinks further and further Under the burden of Love, relation and infatuation Duty, work and reciprocation Pelf and power Ego, hatred and jealousy Appreciation, accolades and recognition And all that is pseudo and artificial Until one finds himself deep in the abyss His lone asylum Time comes When one fails to carry himself Carry the burden He has been carrying all along He realises Over the years he was just a beast of burden He just becomes a nobody A spent force, a liability With no one around He looks at himself Look at the relationship he cultivated. The life he lived in vain The more one carries The more one worries Few understand it Those who mean it They make sense of life The most pathetic part of life One creates a world on his blood and sweat Only to find at the end an alien world With which he fails to identify. Smruti Ranjan Mohanty ©Smruti Ranjan Mohanty "

White A LOOK AT LIFE-115 BY-SMRUTI RANJAN MOHANTY Under self-hypnosis One moves away from reality Silently runs in a crowded lane Carrying a heavy load on his shoulder Without being aware of it One sinks further and further Under the burden of Love, relation and infatuation Duty, work and reciprocation Pelf and power Ego, hatred and jealousy Appreciation, accolades and recognition And all that is pseudo and artificial Until one finds himself deep in the abyss His lone asylum Time comes When one fails to carry himself Carry the burden He has been carrying all along He realises Over the years he was just a beast of burden He just becomes a nobody A spent force, a liability With no one around He looks at himself Look at the relationship he cultivated. The life he lived in vain The more one carries The more one worries Few understand it Those who mean it They make sense of life The most pathetic part of life One creates a world on his blood and sweat Only to find at the end an alien world With which he fails to identify. Smruti Ranjan Mohanty ©Smruti Ranjan Mohanty

#summer_vacation A LOOK AT LIFE-115

Under self-hypnosis
One moves away from reality
Silently runs in a crowded lane
Carrying a heavy load on his shoulder
Without being aware of it

People who shared love close

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