White Writing makes me..... A plot of pen and a p | English Poetry Vid

"White Writing makes me..... A plot of pen and a paper, It was at the initial! Every single word like a vapour, Brought upon my feelings, It was a world with facts and fantasies! It bestowed me the power of uniqueness, A perfect way to feel my heart and beckoning feelings! Why was I so relished in it, I wonder? My soul, was a hidden treasure, With glimmering colours of pleasure! It was a not like pop corn with similarities, It was a waterfall of thoughts that popped, With variety of drops to pen down in grasps! Now it's all in a tiny gadget, But still the feeling of being bewitched, Is the reason I continue to permeate my fragments of words! - Swetha. ©Tiny glowing star! "

White Writing makes me..... A plot of pen and a paper, It was at the initial! Every single word like a vapour, Brought upon my feelings, It was a world with facts and fantasies! It bestowed me the power of uniqueness, A perfect way to feel my heart and beckoning feelings! Why was I so relished in it, I wonder? My soul, was a hidden treasure, With glimmering colours of pleasure! It was a not like pop corn with similarities, It was a waterfall of thoughts that popped, With variety of drops to pen down in grasps! Now it's all in a tiny gadget, But still the feeling of being bewitched, Is the reason I continue to permeate my fragments of words! - Swetha. ©Tiny glowing star!

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