a heart full of metaphors, will you take it/ leave

"a heart full of metaphors, will you take it/ leave it cold, vulnerable like every trespassers did before you a soul made of star-ridden blackness, will you entwine it with yours/ rethread back into the skin scorching darkness once it possessed before you a promise full of crimson desire, will you keep it/ break it into pieces until it draws blood out of thoracic curve like it was bleeding, hurting before you"

 a heart full of metaphors,
will you take it/ leave it cold,
vulnerable like every trespassers did 
before you
a soul made of star-ridden blackness,
will you entwine it with yours/ rethread
back into the skin scorching darkness
once it possessed 
before you
a promise full of crimson desire,
will you keep it/ break it into pieces
until it draws blood out of thoracic curve
like it was bleeding, hurting
before you

a heart full of metaphors, will you take it/ leave it cold, vulnerable like every trespassers did before you a soul made of star-ridden blackness, will you entwine it with yours/ rethread back into the skin scorching darkness once it possessed before you a promise full of crimson desire, will you keep it/ break it into pieces until it draws blood out of thoracic curve like it was bleeding, hurting before you

will you let your eternity meet with my forever??

#obscure_scribbling #yqbaba #yqdidi #yqdidi5

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