THE JOURNEY TO PUNE First of all ,let me be clear

"THE JOURNEY TO PUNE First of all ,let me be clear about one thing , and the being that i am neither a professional writer.not a poet,not a novelist ,not an intellectual ,who is capable of creating a pieace of work which is worth reading. contd.......... story"

First of all ,let me be clear about one thing , and the being that i am neither a professional writer.not a poet,not a novelist ,not an intellectual ,who is capable of creating a pieace of work which is worth reading. contd.......... story

THE JOURNEY TO PUNE First of all ,let me be clear about one thing , and the being that i am neither a professional writer.not a poet,not a novelist ,not an intellectual ,who is capable of creating a pieace of work which is worth reading. contd.......... story

the journey to pune

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