Clustered World. It became a space that I could | English Sad Video

"Clustered World. It became a space that I couldn't breathe anymore. It was terrible how people handled me without any care. Didn't even know what type of place it was when I was first brought there. Same scenario made my life sick and hell. But then again, "Birds of a feather flock together." I had my chummy people beside me not making me feel lonely. And so knock knock! it wasn't so bad coming to a completely new space. I hardly had my days off when I didn't have to see any customers. Some just stride into the store with such monotonous eyes. Some just goof around the place with a pretentious stare as if they were in the thought of buying something. But not all people are so bad, atleast I know that much. All I could do was stand and even if I wanted to sit, it was totally impossible . As the saying goes, "Things you can do and things you cannot even imagine!" Like some Ding Dong Bell, I was hanging on with my pitiful two legs. People who seemed filthy rich didn't seem to think much before buying, like ordinary people. I guess money did lurk to be exposed on us. It was always days rather than nights for me. Most of the people associate darkness with night, but without darkness, light is never exposed to the world and both are equal during nighttime. That's why, I rather associate my bad times with days as the brightness sometimes outshines the sun. Nights arrive, I see less customers and hour slowly mingles in silence peacefully. Not even I can escape from the same routine of seeing customers all day. But ofcourse, nights were different! I never had to put on faces for customers to take a liking. This pretentious act is never going to end with days demolishing the nights. I do know that wishing for eternal nights is impossible. Still I am stuck one place and clustered together. It's fuzzy and don't see a different life for me anymore. Still a lingering hope resides within me for someone to buy me for who I am and not to suit their purpose alone. YES, I AM JUST A FURNITURE TO SERVE AS HUMAN's TOOLS! SO WHAT? CANT I HAVE A HAPPIER LIFE THAN THIS?? ©Tiny glowing star! "

Clustered World. It became a space that I couldn't breathe anymore. It was terrible how people handled me without any care. Didn't even know what type of place it was when I was first brought there. Same scenario made my life sick and hell. But then again, "Birds of a feather flock together." I had my chummy people beside me not making me feel lonely. And so knock knock! it wasn't so bad coming to a completely new space. I hardly had my days off when I didn't have to see any customers. Some just stride into the store with such monotonous eyes. Some just goof around the place with a pretentious stare as if they were in the thought of buying something. But not all people are so bad, atleast I know that much. All I could do was stand and even if I wanted to sit, it was totally impossible . As the saying goes, "Things you can do and things you cannot even imagine!" Like some Ding Dong Bell, I was hanging on with my pitiful two legs. People who seemed filthy rich didn't seem to think much before buying, like ordinary people. I guess money did lurk to be exposed on us. It was always days rather than nights for me. Most of the people associate darkness with night, but without darkness, light is never exposed to the world and both are equal during nighttime. That's why, I rather associate my bad times with days as the brightness sometimes outshines the sun. Nights arrive, I see less customers and hour slowly mingles in silence peacefully. Not even I can escape from the same routine of seeing customers all day. But ofcourse, nights were different! I never had to put on faces for customers to take a liking. This pretentious act is never going to end with days demolishing the nights. I do know that wishing for eternal nights is impossible. Still I am stuck one place and clustered together. It's fuzzy and don't see a different life for me anymore. Still a lingering hope resides within me for someone to buy me for who I am and not to suit their purpose alone. YES, I AM JUST A FURNITURE TO SERVE AS HUMAN's TOOLS! SO WHAT? CANT I HAVE A HAPPIER LIFE THAN THIS?? ©Tiny glowing star!

Clustered World
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