I never ignore anyone.... But, People I care about

"I never ignore anyone.... But, People I care about have ignored me so much that I have learnt to live without them... And I realise I'm happiear , not needing their approval or permission ....Life is better without people who treat you like trash. ©Chandan Aanand"

 I never ignore anyone....
People I care about have ignored me so much that I have learnt to live without them...
And I realise I'm happiear , not needing their approval or permission ....Life is better without people who treat you like trash.

©Chandan Aanand

I never ignore anyone.... But, People I care about have ignored me so much that I have learnt to live without them... And I realise I'm happiear , not needing their approval or permission ....Life is better without people who treat you like trash. ©Chandan Aanand


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