White Beliefs and thoughts should be the same, ot | English Life

"White Beliefs and thoughts should be the same, otherwise the whole world will remain in the dark about you, and you yourself will not be able to see the sun of success in your life, and people will follow you and die just like that, because they will not be able to know that there is light too... ©मलंग"

 White Beliefs and thoughts should be the same,
 otherwise the whole world will remain in the dark about you, 
and you yourself will not be able to see the sun of success in your life,
 and people will follow you and die just like that, because they will not be able to know that there is light too...


White Beliefs and thoughts should be the same, otherwise the whole world will remain in the dark about you, and you yourself will not be able to see the sun of success in your life, and people will follow you and die just like that, because they will not be able to know that there is light too... ©मलंग


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