if u feel lonely just look at the moon somewhere s | English Quotes

"if u feel lonely just look at the moon somewhere someone is else is looking it tooo.. dont feel for others to make u feel happy.... be friendly with ur heart .... hear out what ur heart says... love urself. bcz no one is best companion other than urslef . ©Raaz Aishu"

 if u feel lonely just look at the moon somewhere someone is else is looking it tooo.. 
dont feel for others to make u feel happy.... be friendly with ur heart .... hear out what ur heart says... love urself. 
bcz no one is best companion other than urslef .

©Raaz Aishu

if u feel lonely just look at the moon somewhere someone is else is looking it tooo.. dont feel for others to make u feel happy.... be friendly with ur heart .... hear out what ur heart says... love urself. bcz no one is best companion other than urslef . ©Raaz Aishu

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