Reading Novel and empathizing with it is really no

"Reading Novel and empathizing with it is really nostalgic. But if the Characters are hurt then the Person reading is hurt too. It's not an Unhealthy Obsession But It may bring Unhealthy Consequences."

 Reading Novel and empathizing with it is really nostalgic.
But if the Characters are hurt then the Person reading is hurt too.
It's not an Unhealthy Obsession 
But  It may bring Unhealthy Consequences.

Reading Novel and empathizing with it is really nostalgic. But if the Characters are hurt then the Person reading is hurt too. It's not an Unhealthy Obsession But It may bring Unhealthy Consequences.

Wrote randomly 😅. Got the notification and tried to write it😌.

So this is dedicated to the readers like me😊 Who Gets severely affected by reading Angst or anything Triggering. But at the same time When I see that the plot is more realistic and as we all know Reality Hurts that's why I get the strength to continue until end😚.

But I called the consequences unhealthy becoz Not everyone can Tolerate Angst and sad Plots and gets more depressed That's why whoever loves to read Novels particularly containing Angst Please Never Try to Empathize More than necessary I lost one of my sister becoz of it So I don't want anything happening to u all. Hope this Worrisome me is not a bother to u all😅💖.

Lastly Thanks a Million, Trillion, ZILLION and Infinite times For Supporting me 🥺💖.

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