NATURE : The best teacher Opening my eyes from th | English Poetry Vid

"NATURE : The best teacher Opening my eyes from the sun rays I thought how boring the days I gone out saw the sun so powerful with energetic light I thought how positive it is always it's so bright The thunder, the rain, the cloud with all its fight still it's always so bright It's replied me back Why are you so hopeless Prepare yourself always Because every day there is a new test Maybe today you didn't did good Then wait for the next One day will come when you'll be the best. Just going to my room i saw a man cutting the trees branches I became bit sympathetic That who are giving us fruits , vegetables we are hurting them Still they are giving us oxygen for our survival How good these trees are so much selfless Then I get inside my room My family made a plan to dam We all gone out enjoying the drive finally we reach destination I saw the water flowing so rapidly so careless Looking so much happy enjoying it's way The water was looking so much clear so much transparent So much pure doing it's movement Unfortunately I saw a boy throwing garbage How bad we are Destroying the water cleanliness Which is quenching our thrist we are damaging it's vast How foolish we human beings are ? Coming back home I ask these questions My mom smiled and answered Goodness never go waste The nature kindness is the reason why it is permanent Whereas we humans are temporary always. ©Anwesha Rath "

NATURE : The best teacher Opening my eyes from the sun rays I thought how boring the days I gone out saw the sun so powerful with energetic light I thought how positive it is always it's so bright The thunder, the rain, the cloud with all its fight still it's always so bright It's replied me back Why are you so hopeless Prepare yourself always Because every day there is a new test Maybe today you didn't did good Then wait for the next One day will come when you'll be the best. Just going to my room i saw a man cutting the trees branches I became bit sympathetic That who are giving us fruits , vegetables we are hurting them Still they are giving us oxygen for our survival How good these trees are so much selfless Then I get inside my room My family made a plan to dam We all gone out enjoying the drive finally we reach destination I saw the water flowing so rapidly so careless Looking so much happy enjoying it's way The water was looking so much clear so much transparent So much pure doing it's movement Unfortunately I saw a boy throwing garbage How bad we are Destroying the water cleanliness Which is quenching our thrist we are damaging it's vast How foolish we human beings are ? Coming back home I ask these questions My mom smiled and answered Goodness never go waste The nature kindness is the reason why it is permanent Whereas we humans are temporary always. ©Anwesha Rath

#Nature #Beauty #beauty_of_nature #Nojoto #Trending

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