Immortal Beauty" In moon's glow, grace's embrace | English Poetry

""Immortal Beauty" In moon's glow, grace's embrace, Radiant, regal, divine face. Words as pearls, woven tight, Captivate with their luminous light. Eyes, stars in celestial sight, Shine with love, kindness ignite. Laughter, like chimes in breeze, Fills hearts, puts minds at ease. Time slows near her, magic's trace, Enchanting all with her gentle grace. ©Santosh Jangam "

"Immortal Beauty" In moon's glow, grace's embrace, Radiant, regal, divine face. Words as pearls, woven tight, Captivate with their luminous light. Eyes, stars in celestial sight, Shine with love, kindness ignite. Laughter, like chimes in breeze, Fills hearts, puts minds at ease. Time slows near her, magic's trace, Enchanting all with her gentle grace. ©Santosh Jangam

A poem "Immortal Beauty" is that true beauty transcends physical appearance and resides in qualities like kindness, compassion, and grace, which radiate from within.

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