White High above the green, your kite takes fligh | English Poetry Vid

"White High above the green, your kite takes flight, A speck of color in the bright light. The string may vanish, lost from sight, But trust your grip, hold on with might. Though distance conceal the guiding line, Your kite still dances, feeling absolutely fine. For even unseen, the thread's entwined, A bond of unshakeable strength, by you defined. ©indefinite_mirage "

White High above the green, your kite takes flight, A speck of color in the bright light. The string may vanish, lost from sight, But trust your grip, hold on with might. Though distance conceal the guiding line, Your kite still dances, feeling absolutely fine. For even unseen, the thread's entwined, A bond of unshakeable strength, by you defined. ©indefinite_mirage

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