White In the vast digital expanse, we connect, A | English Poetry Vide

"White In the vast digital expanse, we connect, A tapestry of stories, ideas intersect. Through tweets and posts, we spread our light, Empowering each other, day and night. With every share, a spark ignites, Bringing joy, dispelling the darkest nights. In comments and likes, we find our cheer, A virtual embrace, wiping away every tear. Through pixels and screens, we forge a bond, Uniting hearts, though miles beyond. In this digital realm, we plant seeds of hope, Nurturing dreams, helping each other cope. So let's tweet with kindness, post with glee, For in this social world, we're truly free. Together we rise, inspire, and shine, In this boundless network, our spirits entwine. ©Sagar Shivnekar "

White In the vast digital expanse, we connect, A tapestry of stories, ideas intersect. Through tweets and posts, we spread our light, Empowering each other, day and night. With every share, a spark ignites, Bringing joy, dispelling the darkest nights. In comments and likes, we find our cheer, A virtual embrace, wiping away every tear. Through pixels and screens, we forge a bond, Uniting hearts, though miles beyond. In this digital realm, we plant seeds of hope, Nurturing dreams, helping each other cope. So let's tweet with kindness, post with glee, For in this social world, we're truly free. Together we rise, inspire, and shine, In this boundless network, our spirits entwine. ©Sagar Shivnekar

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