"White SOMETHING I LOOK AT-251 BY-SMRUTI RANJAN MOHANTY Feel your mother  I see you The way I was seeing you earlier  I bathe you, feed you  The way you were feeding me earlier  I feel you, smell you, touch you The way I sense others I was a part of you Now you have become the whole of me When I search for you  I never look outside  I find you deep within  You have not left me  You have become me  Become the beats of my heart The music of my soul  The guiding force behind my action and inaction  When I touch me  I touch you, I touch your heart and soul For the rest of the world, you may not exist  But for me, you are the only reality  More real than the world I see You are in my happiness and sorrow  Cheer and tear, passion and ambition  You are still my teacher and mentor  My loving mother  I am very much part of your world  Which you built on your sweat and blood  You can not abandon it  Can not let your child suffer Your blood cry for an ounce of love I am not orphaned  Not without my earth and sky  You are always with me, my mother  Here and hereafter Smruti Ranjan Mohanty ©Smruti Ranjan Mohanty "

White SOMETHING I LOOK AT-251 BY-SMRUTI RANJAN MOHANTY Feel your mother  I see you The way I was seeing you earlier  I bathe you, feed you  The way you were feeding me earlier  I feel you, smell you, touch you The way I sense others I was a part of you Now you have become the whole of me When I search for you  I never look outside  I find you deep within  You have not left me  You have become me  Become the beats of my heart The music of my soul  The guiding force behind my action and inaction  When I touch me  I touch you, I touch your heart and soul For the rest of the world, you may not exist  But for me, you are the only reality  More real than the world I see You are in my happiness and sorrow  Cheer and tear, passion and ambition  You are still my teacher and mentor  My loving mother  I am very much part of your world  Which you built on your sweat and blood  You can not abandon it  Can not let your child suffer Your blood cry for an ounce of love I am not orphaned  Not without my earth and sky  You are always with me, my mother  Here and hereafter Smruti Ranjan Mohanty ©Smruti Ranjan Mohanty



Feel your mother 

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