STORY OF A BOY This story of a boy who was about | English Video

"STORY OF A BOY This story of a boy who was about 12 years old and live happily with their 5 member family . A day of sublime summer of april 25 he was in his school . he suddenly saw that teacher suddenly stop teaching and running towards the ground of school he was unable to understard what happened for 10-15 sec then he realise that a earthquake came and gone within 15 sec . He rember that what was scene of that 15 sec all are hopeless with screaming sound here and there in all school campus.After that teacher said that eartquake came and we all was safe .Alll became normal and classes continue and school off .All children going to their home with parents who come in hurry after earthquake.parents was in very suspicious condition what happened .Suddnely again earthquake came this time he also scream loudly and silence suddenly this feeling he never get off from his mind beacuse a child got heart attack in front of his eyes and that child was his friend suddenly a man came take it to hospital in his car but who can stop the time doctor said that he is dead. The boy came to know about this after1 week. WHAT HAPPEN IN THIS 1 be continued ©Jai ho pawan kumar "

STORY OF A BOY This story of a boy who was about 12 years old and live happily with their 5 member family . A day of sublime summer of april 25 he was in his school . he suddenly saw that teacher suddenly stop teaching and running towards the ground of school he was unable to understard what happened for 10-15 sec then he realise that a earthquake came and gone within 15 sec . He rember that what was scene of that 15 sec all are hopeless with screaming sound here and there in all school campus.After that teacher said that eartquake came and we all was safe .Alll became normal and classes continue and school off .All children going to their home with parents who come in hurry after earthquake.parents was in very suspicious condition what happened .Suddnely again earthquake came this time he also scream loudly and silence suddenly this feeling he never get off from his mind beacuse a child got heart attack in front of his eyes and that child was his friend suddenly a man came take it to hospital in his car but who can stop the time doctor said that he is dead. The boy came to know about this after1 week. WHAT HAPPEN IN THIS 1 be continued ©Jai ho pawan kumar

A never forgatable story of a boy life...😔🥺

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