White Emotions are energy. Energy cannot be destro | English Life

"White Emotions are energy. Energy cannot be destroyed, only converted from one form into another. When emotions cause stress, it's the energy asking you to vibrate higher, so that it can transform, and shift into freedom. Embrace your shadows. Once the shadow is embraced, it can be healed. ©KhaultiSyahi"

 White Emotions are energy. Energy cannot be
destroyed, only converted from one form into
another. When emotions cause stress, it's the
energy asking you to vibrate higher, so that it
can transform, and shift into freedom.
Embrace your shadows. Once the shadow is
embraced, it can be healed.


White Emotions are energy. Energy cannot be destroyed, only converted from one form into another. When emotions cause stress, it's the energy asking you to vibrate higher, so that it can transform, and shift into freedom. Embrace your shadows. Once the shadow is embraced, it can be healed. ©KhaultiSyahi

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