Women strong" refers to the resilience, fortitude | English Love

""Women strong" refers to the resilience, fortitude, and capability demonstrated by women in various aspects of life. It acknowledges their ability to overcome challenges, pursue their goals, and make significant contributions to society, despite facing systemic barriers and discrimination in many contexts. Women's strength can be seen in their achievements, leadership, advocacy for change, and support for their communities and families. ©Subha Shree.r "

"Women strong" refers to the resilience, fortitude, and capability demonstrated by women in various aspects of life. It acknowledges their ability to overcome challenges, pursue their goals, and make significant contributions to society, despite facing systemic barriers and discrimination in many contexts. Women's strength can be seen in their achievements, leadership, advocacy for change, and support for their communities and families. ©Subha Shree.r

#KhoyaMan women strong powerful #powerful #Women

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