Totally broken 💔, The patience is gone, The respon | English Life Vide

"Totally broken 💔, The patience is gone, The responsibilities made me mad off totally. My mind of out of my control, Sometimes my heart says cry out loudly, but i control it, because I don't want to giveup, I strongly believe that " I CAN AND I WILL." but it needs patience............................. ©Linda "

Totally broken 💔, The patience is gone, The responsibilities made me mad off totally. My mind of out of my control, Sometimes my heart says cry out loudly, but i control it, because I don't want to giveup, I strongly believe that " I CAN AND I WILL." but it needs patience............................. ©Linda

#cycle #heartwords #Saad_Writes #motivate #LifeExprience

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