Goodbye In the grand odyssey of the soul's flight, | English Poetry Vi

"Goodbye In the grand odyssey of the soul's flight, We bid adieu to this earthly plight. For the journey ahead, vast and divine, Calls us forth to realms sublime. Beyond the confines of mortal sphere, Where time dissolves and spirits cheer, Our essence soars on wings untold, In the boundless expanse, our destiny unfolds. Farewell to flesh, to mortal guise, As we ascend to celestial skies. Infinite vistas beckon, endless and free, In the eternal dance of eternity. So let us embrace this parting dear, For the soul's journey knows no fear. Goodbye to earth, to finite reign, As we embark on the infinite plane. ©Shayra "

Goodbye In the grand odyssey of the soul's flight, We bid adieu to this earthly plight. For the journey ahead, vast and divine, Calls us forth to realms sublime. Beyond the confines of mortal sphere, Where time dissolves and spirits cheer, Our essence soars on wings untold, In the boundless expanse, our destiny unfolds. Farewell to flesh, to mortal guise, As we ascend to celestial skies. Infinite vistas beckon, endless and free, In the eternal dance of eternity. So let us embrace this parting dear, For the soul's journey knows no fear. Goodbye to earth, to finite reign, As we embark on the infinite plane. ©Shayra

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