*A Family's Bond* In homes where love's warm hear | English Poetry

"*A Family's Bond* In homes where love's warm hearth doth ever glow, And hearts entwined in unity do beat, There family's sacred bond will surely grow, A fortress strong against life's cruel defeat. For in the shelter of a loving clan, Each member finds a solace and a friend, A helping hand, a comfort, and a plan, To face the challenges that life does send. So let us cherish ties that bind us all, And nurture love that grows with every year, For when we stand together, tall and tall, No storm of life can make us feel or fear. A family united, strong and true, Is nature's masterpiece, forever new. ©Amrendra Kumar Thakur"

 *A Family's Bond*

In homes where love's warm hearth doth ever glow,
And hearts entwined in unity do beat,
There family's sacred bond will surely grow,
A fortress strong against life's cruel defeat.

For in the shelter of a loving clan,
Each member finds a solace and a friend,
A helping hand, a comfort, and a plan,
To face the challenges that life does send.

So let us cherish ties that bind us all,
And nurture love that grows with every year,
For when we stand together, tall and tall,
No storm of life can make us feel or fear.

A family united, strong and true,
Is nature's masterpiece, forever new.

©Amrendra Kumar Thakur

*A Family's Bond* In homes where love's warm hearth doth ever glow, And hearts entwined in unity do beat, There family's sacred bond will surely grow, A fortress strong against life's cruel defeat. For in the shelter of a loving clan, Each member finds a solace and a friend, A helping hand, a comfort, and a plan, To face the challenges that life does send. So let us cherish ties that bind us all, And nurture love that grows with every year, For when we stand together, tall and tall, No storm of life can make us feel or fear. A family united, strong and true, Is nature's masterpiece, forever new. ©Amrendra Kumar Thakur

poetry love poetry in english sad poetry poetry in english metaphysical poetry #sonnet

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