Men walking on dark street Behind the Mask A smil | English Poetry Vid

"Men walking on dark street Behind the Mask A smile I wear, a shield so strong, Hides cracks that run my soul along. My heart, a fighter, barely holds, The weight of burdens yet untold. Lost in a maze, my thoughts astray, Yearning for whispers to light the way. But lips are sealed, a silent plea, A prisoner trapped in what seems to be. ©Archana Chaudhary"Abhimaan" "

Men walking on dark street Behind the Mask A smile I wear, a shield so strong, Hides cracks that run my soul along. My heart, a fighter, barely holds, The weight of burdens yet untold. Lost in a maze, my thoughts astray, Yearning for whispers to light the way. But lips are sealed, a silent plea, A prisoner trapped in what seems to be. ©Archana Chaudhary"Abhimaan"


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