White A world of billions, a sea of faces, A grow | English Motivation

"White A world of billions, a sea of faces, A growing crowd, with endless places. Resources dwindle, as numbers rise, A strain on the earth, with hungry eyes. The future uncertain, as we multiply, A challenge to sustain, the earth's fragile sky. But in this crowd, there's a unique grace, A diverse tapestry, with a human face. Let's celebrate life, in all its forms, And work together, to ease the earth's norms. Let's strive for balance, in every way, To ensure a future, for a brighter day. On this Population Day, let's unite, To address the issues, that ignite. Let's find solutions, to this growing test, And create a world, where all can rest. ©twisha ray "

White A world of billions, a sea of faces, A growing crowd, with endless places. Resources dwindle, as numbers rise, A strain on the earth, with hungry eyes. The future uncertain, as we multiply, A challenge to sustain, the earth's fragile sky. But in this crowd, there's a unique grace, A diverse tapestry, with a human face. Let's celebrate life, in all its forms, And work together, to ease the earth's norms. Let's strive for balance, in every way, To ensure a future, for a brighter day. On this Population Day, let's unite, To address the issues, that ignite. Let's find solutions, to this growing test, And create a world, where all can rest. ©twisha ray

population day 2024

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