White Depression: Depression that endures in toda | English Poetry Vid

"White Depression: Depression that endures in today’s generation, Due to the increase in level of anxiety and stress; Where the teenagers and young adults are affected mostly, Thereby causing self-harm among them. The addiction to mobile phones, Generates a sense of mental disorder among the youngsters; By losing interests in the daily activities, With irritation increasing subsequently. disorders are becoming habitual, With people remaining unhappy; Unable to grasp with their life problems, Thereby losing interests in the daily activities. Depression can be tackled, When one finds the origin; By learning the ways to handle it, Thereby leading a happier life. ©Prahelika "

White Depression: Depression that endures in today’s generation, Due to the increase in level of anxiety and stress; Where the teenagers and young adults are affected mostly, Thereby causing self-harm among them. The addiction to mobile phones, Generates a sense of mental disorder among the youngsters; By losing interests in the daily activities, With irritation increasing subsequently. disorders are becoming habitual, With people remaining unhappy; Unable to grasp with their life problems, Thereby losing interests in the daily activities. Depression can be tackled, When one finds the origin; By learning the ways to handle it, Thereby leading a happier life. ©Prahelika


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