White Falling leaves in autumn dance and twirl Gol | English Poetry Vi

"White Falling leaves in autumn dance and twirl Golden hues ablaze in the sunlight's swirl A gentle breeze carries them down Creating a carpet on the ground Each leaf a canvas of nature's art A masterpiece that plays a part In the cycle of life and seasons change As they fall from trees, no longer estranged The crunch beneath my feet as I walk Reminds me of nature’s gentle talk A reminder that all things must end But new beginnings around the bend Falling leaves in autumn, a bittersweet sight A symphony of colors, a beautiful plight As they drift to the earth, a graceful descent Leaving behind a mark, a memory to invent So let us embrace the falling leaves And the beauty that it brings, a gift to receive For in their fleeting beauty we find A reminder of life's ever-unfolding design. ©Namratha Raj "

White Falling leaves in autumn dance and twirl Golden hues ablaze in the sunlight's swirl A gentle breeze carries them down Creating a carpet on the ground Each leaf a canvas of nature's art A masterpiece that plays a part In the cycle of life and seasons change As they fall from trees, no longer estranged The crunch beneath my feet as I walk Reminds me of nature’s gentle talk A reminder that all things must end But new beginnings around the bend Falling leaves in autumn, a bittersweet sight A symphony of colors, a beautiful plight As they drift to the earth, a graceful descent Leaving behind a mark, a memory to invent So let us embrace the falling leaves And the beauty that it brings, a gift to receive For in their fleeting beauty we find A reminder of life's ever-unfolding design. ©Namratha Raj

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