SBL Calcarea Carbonicum Dilution is a homoeopathic | English Quot

"SBL Calcarea Carbonicum Dilution is a homoeopathic medicine which enhances the work of the body functions. It is useful in swelling of glands and chronic lung infections. It is also recommended for patients suffering from problems related to bones. Oral problems such as toothache and bleeding of gums can also be treated by its use. ©VIIKAS KUMAR "

SBL Calcarea Carbonicum Dilution is a homoeopathic medicine which enhances the work of the body functions. It is useful in swelling of glands and chronic lung infections. It is also recommended for patients suffering from problems related to bones. Oral problems such as toothache and bleeding of gums can also be treated by its use. ©VIIKAS KUMAR

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