White In quiet moments, when life takes a pause, M | English Love Vide

"White In quiet moments, when life takes a pause, My heart whispers your name without a cause. A silent longing, deep and true, Grows with every thought of you. Notifications of your name, a flutter in my chest, An untamed heartbeat, longing for rest. In every corner of my mind, you reside, A secret love that I cannot hide. If only words could bridge the space, To share the echoes of this silent chase. In dreams, perhaps, you might see, The silent yearning that dwells in me. A mature love, bound by life's tide, A silent wish to have you by my side. In shadows, this story softly plays, A love unspoken in a thousand ways. #lekhansh @nikita4u ©Lekh Mithawala "

White In quiet moments, when life takes a pause, My heart whispers your name without a cause. A silent longing, deep and true, Grows with every thought of you. Notifications of your name, a flutter in my chest, An untamed heartbeat, longing for rest. In every corner of my mind, you reside, A secret love that I cannot hide. If only words could bridge the space, To share the echoes of this silent chase. In dreams, perhaps, you might see, The silent yearning that dwells in me. A mature love, bound by life's tide, A silent wish to have you by my side. In shadows, this story softly plays, A love unspoken in a thousand ways. #lekhansh @nikita4u ©Lekh Mithawala

#lekhansh #nikita

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