for me it was about holding hands holding hands to

"for me it was about holding hands holding hands to the point of chronic muscles ache i didnt know picking my way to love was such a terrible mistakes to tell you i feel all of it the butterflies and bees in my very stomach's pit and if i asked you why do you need or want sex you can't put it to words ; i know i know and that ineffable reason that's how i know i don't want sex for sure and I'm not incomplete in anyway less I'm complete but confused isn't that such a beautiful mess ......"

 for me it was about holding hands
holding hands to the point of chronic muscles ache 
i didnt know picking my way to love was 
such a terrible mistakes
to tell you i feel all of it 
the butterflies and bees 
in my very stomach's pit 
if i asked you
why do you need or want sex
you can't put it to words ; i know 
i know
and that ineffable reason 
that's how i know 
i don't want sex for sure 
and I'm not incomplete 
in anyway less 
I'm complete 
isn't that such a beautiful mess ......

for me it was about holding hands holding hands to the point of chronic muscles ache i didnt know picking my way to love was such a terrible mistakes to tell you i feel all of it the butterflies and bees in my very stomach's pit and if i asked you why do you need or want sex you can't put it to words ; i know i know and that ineffable reason that's how i know i don't want sex for sure and I'm not incomplete in anyway less I'm complete but confused isn't that such a beautiful mess ......


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