homelessness is a place a hollow hallway going thr | English Quotes

"homelessness is a place a hollow hallway going through the depths of your heart and it aches it pricks from the edges it oozes out an inpalpitable an insidious pain when you leave a home in hope of another with every change your body goes through this hollowness deepens until it starts consuming the whole of you until you start realizing that once you leave a home you dont get another and you become just homeless even while you're sitting under a roof. ©Priyanka sarkar"

 homelessness is a place a hollow hallway going through the depths of your heart and it aches it pricks from the edges it oozes out an inpalpitable an insidious pain

when you leave a home in hope of another with every change your body goes through this hollowness deepens until it starts consuming the whole of you until you start realizing that once you leave a home you dont get another and you become

just homeless

even while you're sitting under a roof.

©Priyanka sarkar

homelessness is a place a hollow hallway going through the depths of your heart and it aches it pricks from the edges it oozes out an inpalpitable an insidious pain when you leave a home in hope of another with every change your body goes through this hollowness deepens until it starts consuming the whole of you until you start realizing that once you leave a home you dont get another and you become just homeless even while you're sitting under a roof. ©Priyanka sarkar

##waiting #Homeless

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