Sad and emotional quotes ikk kudi jidda naa mohobb | हिंदी Love Video

"Sad and emotional quotes ikk kudi jidda naa mohobbat gumm hai... - Shiv Kumar Batalvi"

Sad and emotional quotes ikk kudi jidda naa mohobbat gumm hai... - Shiv Kumar Batalvi

इश्तेहार-ਇਸ਼ਤਿਹਾਰ Ishtehar is one of my personal favourite by Shiv Kumar Batalvi, it is originally written in one of my mother tongue 'Punjabi' but I've tried my best to bring that same feel in my other mother tongue 'Hindi'
Written by Shiv Saab and translation is done by me.

@Nojotovoice">#@Nojotovoice #nojotohindi #Punjabi @Nojoto @Nojoto Hindi @Nojoto Music @Nojoto Punjabi @Satyaprem

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