White "The answer is simple. If we lose the world' | English கருத

"White "The answer is simple. If we lose the world's forests, we lose the fight against climate change. Rainforests are our Earth's greatest utility - our planet's lungs, thermostat and air-conditioning system." ~ Michael Somare ©Madhu"

 White "The answer is simple. If we lose the world's forests, we lose the fight against climate change. Rainforests are our Earth's greatest utility - our planet's lungs, thermostat and air-conditioning system." ~ Michael Somare


White "The answer is simple. If we lose the world's forests, we lose the fight against climate change. Rainforests are our Earth's greatest utility - our planet's lungs, thermostat and air-conditioning system." ~ Michael Somare ©Madhu

#cg_forest #Forest

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