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White International Olympic Day provides a platform to inspire young athletes and celebrate their achievements. It serves as a reminder that sports can empower individuals, instill discipline, and promote teamwork. By showcasing the success stories of Olympic athletes, this day encourages young people to pursue their sporting dreams and strive for excellence. ©Madhu

#எண்ணங்கள் #Olympic2021 #olympic_day  White International Olympic Day provides a platform to inspire young athletes and celebrate their achievements. It serves as a reminder that sports can empower individuals, instill discipline, and promote teamwork. By showcasing the success stories of Olympic athletes, this day encourages young people to pursue their sporting dreams and strive for excellence.


White International Olympic Day holds immense significance as it serves as a platform to celebrate the values of sportsmanship, unity, and fair play. It promotes the idea that through sports, individuals can overcome barriers, foster understanding, and work towards a common goal. By participating in International Olympic Day activities, individuals contribute to a global movement that encourages physical activity, healthy living, and the pursuit of excellence. This day also serves as a reminder of the power of sports to inspire and bring people together, transcending cultural, social, and political differences. ©Madhu

#சமூகம்  #olympic_day #olymbic  White International Olympic Day holds immense significance as it serves as a platform to celebrate the values of sportsmanship, unity, and fair play. It promotes the idea that through sports, individuals can overcome barriers, foster understanding, and work towards a common goal. By participating in International Olympic Day activities, individuals contribute to a global movement that encourages physical activity, healthy living, and the pursuit of excellence. This day also serves as a reminder of the power of sports to inspire and bring people together, transcending cultural, social, and political differences.


White "Listen! the wind is rising, and the air is wild with leaves, we have had our summer evenings, now for October eves!" ~ Humbert Wolfe ©Madhu

#எண்ணங்கள் #cg_forest #Forest  White "Listen!  the wind is rising, and the air is wild with leaves, we have had our summer evenings, now for October eves!" ~ Humbert Wolfe


White "Everyone breathes in air, but it's a wise person who knows when to use that air to speak and when to exhale in silence." ~ Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni ©Madhu

#எண்ணங்கள் #rainforest_day #cg_forest  White "Everyone breathes in air, but it's a wise person who knows when to use that air to speak and when to exhale in silence." ~ Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni


White "Our kids haven't any airs about them. I don't like posh kids who don't like dirty dolls or expect a chauffeur every time they go out." ~ Linda McCartney ©Madhu

#எண்ணங்கள் #cg_forest #Forest  White "Our kids haven't any airs about them. I don't like posh kids who don't like dirty dolls or expect a chauffeur every time they go out." ~ Linda McCartney


White "The answer is simple. If we lose the world's forests, we lose the fight against climate change. Rainforests are our Earth's greatest utility - our planet's lungs, thermostat and air-conditioning system." ~ Michael Somare ©Madhu

#எண்ணங்கள் #cg_forest #Forest  White "The answer is simple. If we lose the world's forests, we lose the fight against climate change. Rainforests are our Earth's greatest utility - our planet's lungs, thermostat and air-conditioning system." ~ Michael Somare

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