White WORK - Hard or Smart A talent is great to h | English Poetry Vid

"White WORK - Hard or Smart A talent is great to have, But, Hard Work always beats, talent without work; Being smart is awesome, But Hard Work with consistency may beat, Smart being inconsistent; Being smart and working hard is almost perfection, And that is limited for sure; But Hard Work with consistent and experience may beat, Smart being lazy! Remember, whichever level you are, you are competing with yourself, no one else. ©Rajnish Kumar "

White WORK - Hard or Smart A talent is great to have, But, Hard Work always beats, talent without work; Being smart is awesome, But Hard Work with consistency may beat, Smart being inconsistent; Being smart and working hard is almost perfection, And that is limited for sure; But Hard Work with consistent and experience may beat, Smart being lazy! Remember, whichever level you are, you are competing with yourself, no one else. ©Rajnish Kumar

#Night #Quote #poem #Thoughts #Self

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