Zahid Akhtar

Zahid Akhtar Lives in Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India

Life Coach, Entrepreneur, Trainer, Public Speaker. Pen downs frequently on Life Skills and Thoughts.

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#Life_experience #Anger #alone #sher  White ज़िद और गुस्से
में ज़िंदगी गुज़र गई 
और जब समझ आई 
सांसे उखड़ने लगी।

©Zahid Akhtar

Yes my DISCIPLINE hurts people. People who face CHALLENGES waking up early be on TIME People who are TRUTHFUL and pretty straight forward BECAUSE they just cant get away from whats there in their blood. ©Zahid Akhtar

#IndianAirforceday #Discipline #attutude #Quotes #Blood  Yes my DISCIPLINE 
hurts people.

People who face
waking up early 
be on TIME 
People who are TRUTHFUL
pretty straight forward 
they just cant get away from
whats there in their blood.

©Zahid Akhtar

White STOP ✋ making sense to people. THEY will only LISTEN what their ear wants to listen. ©Zahid Akhtar

#Listening #Quotes #sense #SAD #Ear  White STOP ✋
making sense to people.
will only
what their ear wants to listen.

©Zahid Akhtar

#SAD #Ear #Listening #sense #Life

12 Love

#motivatation #Quotes #regret #ownit #Live  I have tried almost
in my life so far.

I have NO time to
my decisions 

Its my Life 🧬 
I own it, I live it full.

©Zahid Akhtar

White If you want to see how beautiful the world 🌍 is Get up in the MORNING 🌄 and start walking down the beautiful lanes, grassland filled with flowers and cute little birds 🐦 chirping everywhere ©Zahid Akhtar

#GoodMorning #Beautiful #Morning #Quotes  White If you want to
see how beautiful 
the world 🌍 is

Get up in the 
and start walking down the 
beautiful lanes, grassland filled
with flowers and cute little
birds 🐦 chirping everywhere

©Zahid Akhtar

Blessed MAN Iam Sister who cooked really well in my childhood. Mom who made my friends crazy for homemade tiffins. and My my lovable WIFE who often gets compliments for her culinary skills . ©Zahid Akhtar

#teatime #Quotes #Women  Blessed MAN
Sister who cooked really well in my childhood.
Mom who made my friends crazy for homemade tiffins.
My my lovable WIFE
who often gets compliments 
for her
culinary skills .

©Zahid Akhtar

#teatime #Women #Life

14 Love

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