Sanjoy Khuman

Sanjoy Khuman

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 White Nala and Damyanti -2

Now, in the royal Lakes, lived a flock of swans. They watched dismayed as the young king went to pieces over Damyanti in front of them. Finally, unable to witness this, the leader of the swans approached the king and asked, Sire, what troubles you so? Hearing the swan's sympathetic tone, Nala poured his heart out. He told the swan about his love for Damyanti and the delay in the swayamvara.
That is all! the swan reacted gleefully. Nala looked on as the swan added, "King Nala, I will help you! I am a bird! with the help of my wings, I will fly to Damyanti and carry your message of love! The king gladly allowed this and the swan flew off.
When the swan returned, be had wonderful news for Nala. Sire, Damyanti too has heard of you and is equally enamoured! She has promised to influence her father for a swayamvara soon!
Since  Damyanti could not directly tell her father, as it was improper, she pretended to look unwell and glum! Alarmed, her parents immediately ordered the royal physiciansto find out what was troubling their child; The doctors found nothing wrong and the parents caught the hint. They realized that their daughter had now grown up and it was time for her to get married! So, a swayamvara was announced and Nala cheerfully left for Damyanti's father's kingdom.
(to be continue)

©Sanjoy Khuman

Nala and Damyanti -2

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 White Nala and Damyanti - 1

Once a Brahmin came to meet King Nala. "Tell me, what is it that you want, dear brahmin?" King Nala asked. "Sire, you are unmarried and need a bride. I have a suggestion to make." Nala listened with great interest as the Brahmin informed him about a beautiful princess called Damyanti, who was eligible for marriage. Her beauty surpasses all imagination! Her poise and bearing is stamped with royalty. As the Brahmin went on, Nala was smitten. He restless waited for Damyanti's father to announce a swayamvara for his daughter.
Swayamvara was an ancient tradition where a girl had the right to choose her husband from a group of suitors asking for her hand in marriage! So, Nala waited patiently for a swayamvara.
But no swayamvara was broadcasted! It never occurred to Damyanti's parents that their daughter was of marriageable age! Nala impatiently asked his courtier time and again, Has Damyanti's father publicized the swayamvar yet? The courtiers would shake their heads saying no and Nala would plunge into depression!
Nala was so eager to see Damyanti that he began to neglect his state duties and pined waiting for the swayamvara to happen!
(to be continue)

©Sanjoy Khuman

Nala and Damyanti -1

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 White Continue two Demons brothers...

After that Brahma he sent Tilottama to the Kingdom of Sunda and Upasunda.
One day, when the two brothers were being entertained by a bevy of dancers, Tilottama made her entrance. She tantalized the brothers with her unbelievable exquisiteness and charm. Just as Brahma had hoped, Tilottama became a bone of contention between the two brothers! "I will marry her" So she will be your sister in law! announced Sunda.
No-no! I will marry and she shall be your sister in law! cried Upasunda.
She is mine! cried Sunda. "No, mine" retaliated Upasunda angrily. Not long before weapons were pulled out and the brothers attacked each other with arrows, axes and spears; eventually killing each other! With the death of Sunda and Upasunda, the rule of the divine was retrieved and happiness for the subject of the three worlds returnrd.

©Sanjoy Khuman

Two demon brothers...

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The Demon Brothers Once upon a time there were Sunda and Upasunda were demon brothers. These demon brothers were so powerful that they managed to overthrow the Gods and chase them out of their heavenly city. We have to do something! the Gods complained amongst each other. "There is nothing we can do! cried one of the Gods helplessly. "Why? asked another one. These brothers have a boon that they will only be killed if one kills the other! No one else can harm them, let alone kill them! Seeing their love 💝 for each other, the chances of that seem non-existent, answerd Indra, the king of Gods. Finally, they approached Brahma with a petition against the demon duo! Brahma mused, then said, I have got it. Get the celestial architect Vishwakarma to me; Brahma instructed. Brahma instructed Vishwakarma, Lord Architect, I need you to make an "Apsara" so beautiful that it should be one of your best pieces of work! Vishwakarma did not disappoint him. He presented Brahma with a ravishing Apsara. Brahma breathed life into the Apsara and called her 'Tilottama'. (to be continued).... ©Sanjoy Khuman

 The Demon Brothers

Once upon a time there were
Sunda and Upasunda were demon brothers. These demon brothers were so powerful that they managed to overthrow the Gods and chase them out of their heavenly city.
We have to do something! the Gods complained amongst each other.
"There is nothing we can do! cried one of the Gods helplessly.
"Why? asked another one. These brothers have a boon that they will only be killed if one kills the other! No one else can harm them, let alone kill them!
Seeing their love 💝 for each other, the chances of that seem non-existent, answerd Indra, the king of Gods. Finally, they approached Brahma with a petition against the demon duo! Brahma mused, then said, I have got it. Get the celestial architect Vishwakarma to me; Brahma instructed.
Brahma instructed Vishwakarma, Lord Architect, I need you to make an "Apsara" so beautiful that it should be one of your best pieces of work! Vishwakarma did not disappoint him. He presented Brahma with a ravishing Apsara. Brahma breathed life into the Apsara and called her 'Tilottama'.
(to be continued)....

©Sanjoy Khuman

Two Demons who kill each other

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"Contribution from India"

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amazing world

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